Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Barney the Purple Dinosaur.

A good friend of my sister, HL, ordered this cake and cupcakes for her niece's second birthday. The little girl likes Barney a lot. I told HL that I will do a garden theme for her niece. Presenting...Barney and Friends...

Barney, Baby Bob and BJ.



Baby Bob.

The Garden Theme Cupcakes.
The little girl can recognise Barney and the whole family liked the cake. :)

Happy Birthday June!!!

A few of my girlfriends and I celebrated two of our wonderful friends' birthday recently. My good friend EP made some yummy peanut butter cupcakes for them. She made the topper for BB which is a baking theme (very nice!! Sorry no pics here) and I made the topper for June which is a bear theme. Here are the pics of the toppers...

We all had a great nite out...eating and catching up. :)

Power Puff

This is a cake I made for a little girl who likes Power Puff - Blossom and flowers. The design of the cake was inspired by Lindy Smith. I learnt a lot of lessons through this cake. Firstly, always place the topper of the cake (the Power Puff figurine) on a base. Secondly, no matter how small the top tier of the cake is, I must put support underneath it. Lastly, never underestimate the complexity of covering a small cake. Enough of lessons learnt. Here is the final product...

Two tier Powr Puff cake.
Up-close of the Power Puff Girl- Blossom.

Top view of the cake.


I made this cake for a cell member's son who turned 5. At first she asked me to just do an Ironman topper for her because her little boy likes Ironman. When looked at the toy, I told her I won't be able to do that topper for her. I asked her to instead loan me one of her son's Ironman and I will do the rest for her. Here is the result...

Ironman (Shawn's toy) on top of the cake.

Another view of the cake.
Shawn loved the cake. :)
Note: There are some children cartoon characters that I won't try's because they are too complicated and will not look the same or close to the of them is Transformers. My son has been asking me for a Transformer cake. Think next year I will do one for him using his toys as toppers. :)

Elmo, Cookie Monster and Transformers.

I made these cupcakes for my son's school concert. He requested for transformers as usual (his favourite now) but I decided to do Elmo and Cookie Monsters as well. The cupcakes were a hit with the children as well as the parents. Here are some pics of them...

Up-close of Elmo and Cookie Monster Cupcakes.

Elmo and Cookie Monster Cupcakes.

Up-close of Transformers Cupcakes.

Transformers Cupcakes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Double Celebration

This is an order from a school friend of mine for her two lovely children. Their birthdays are pretty close hence the combine celebration. Here are the pics of the cake...

Adam and Natalie with Presents.

Full view of the cake.

My friend told me there were a lot of oohhs and aahhs when she took out the cake. Am glad that they all like the cake. :)

Another Fullmoon Order - It's A Girl!!

This post together with a few others are long overdue...I will try to update my blog more often with my latest orders in future. :)

This is my second fullmoon order. This is however for a baby girl. I really had fun doing this order. The happy mummy wanted one set of mini ones for her colleagues and one set of the standard ones for Baby's fullmoon party. I actually don't do mini cuppies anymore but since KN had ordered from me before, I did it for her. She has been very supportive of me since I started baking from home. :) Here are the pics for the cupcakes...

Mini Cuppies with Bear, Bibs, and Flowers.

Mini cuppies with Booties, Rabbit and Flowers.

The whole set together with wordings.

Standard cuppies for the party.

Up-close of Pram, Rattle, Bib, Bottle and Bootie.